Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Our first trip to Europe! Sightseeing, Laughter, Warm Soda, and Allergies!

Wow, what a trip! 23 days in Europe; talk about a complete culture shock! We wouldn't trade the memories for anything but let me tell you this was definitely not a relaxing vacation, it was an adventure with highs, lows, and everything in between; and throw in some sandwich with that mayo please haha ;). Oh and can I have some warm soda for 6 euros, hee hee. Poor Weston developed the most intense allergies in Paris, it took every one of these medications to make him functional. He is tough though and we still managed to have the time of our lives and take 2000 pictures, literally. It was 23 days of love, laughter and adventure.......

PS. One last word of advice, don't take Air India, ever, (Mick Scrivener, THE Elite British DJ we should have listened to you) and don't take tattered cough drops from old ladies on trains, I don't care how nice they look. I am still wondering what exactly I ingested. And Weston wants me to tall all of you that you have to see the Catacombs in Paris. It will scare the heck out of you.

Here is the medicine and the old lady on the train.

My self portrait in Venice! What girl doesn't dream of twirling in old world streets;)

1 comment:

Bronson Pate said...

Uhhh yeah, the catacombs are mind boggling. It's one of those things where when you actually start to think about exactly how many bones are down there, you can't think about it any more...I also am curious why it wasn't stinkier...Good ventilation maybe?
Did they check your bag for stolen bones when you left?